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2/38 Mccoy St Myaree, 6154, WA
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Life is simple – we have one job and that is to live our life with meaning and purpose from our place in the web of life.
Our workplace, communities and families have one job to nurture this in people.
Roslyn Snyder and WISDOM in Your Life are doing something amazing!
We are transforming the world through wisdom and love
Wisdom is knowledge and experience in practice, which is solid
Love is energies flowing through you, your life and beyond which is soft.
We have the vision, the plan and the programs, Plan for Humanity, now we need people to make this happen. Our programs have been extensively evaluated.
Human nature is to be inquisitive, emotional, social and impatient. Our education, health, welfare and justice systems ignore our nature. The effects are staggering, dumbing down, increasing rates of chronic health problems both mental and physical, more dependency and more cruelty.
A person’s place is at the centre of their life, embedded as part of the interconnected web of life. When humans believe they are more entitled than other people, the effects are staggering we try to control others or abuse power. This leads to bullying, domestic violence, sexual, emotional and mental abuse and unhealthy workplaces.
Human purpose is to be carers of the Earth, the people, the animals, the land and the sea. We are not following our purpose and the effects are staggering, fragmentation of of life, climate change and animal extinctions.
It is time to weave some Aboriginal magic throughout the world and live, love and learn through art, story, music, dance and language, the laws of the land that Aboriginal people around the world have known for millenniums.
Your mind creates your life, a healthy mind creates an amazing life of connection, integration and expansion, whereas an unhealthy mind creates a life of stagnation and fragmentation and disconnection. Our HEALING YOUR MIND program shares was to create a healthy mind, this is for anyone who is experiencing day to day stress all the way through to deep emotional pain.
Leaders create the culture of organisations, communities and countries, we need leaders that can create cultures of growth and integration, not stagnation and fragmentation. Our Leaders program shares ways to achieve this.
To enrich your life and help humanity evolve requires people connecting (energy flow) with themselves, other people, the land and the stars above, Aboriginal people live this way.
Our HUMANITY programs are all to help create lives full of meaning and purpose. The starting point is Earth School or Aboriginal Story Telling.
Our signature Find your Nature Place and Purpose programs are for anyone.
We customise programs for the workplace or for Aboriginal communities
Our KWIDJAAN TRAINING shows how life works and is for anyone who needs to understand life, why people do the things they do and how to change what they do. These include mental health professionals, police, teachers, managers, politicians, lawyers and judges
Activity based – by doing things as opposed to simply listening or reading our learning is integrated
Simple, integrated and inclusive
Visual metaphors;
Internationally common language, art, song, story and dance;
Explore hard emotional topics with wisdom and compassion
Align our unique energy pattern within the Web of life – A Life pattern.
Human nature is to be inquisitive, emotional, social and impatient. Our education, health, welfare and justice systems ignore our nature. The effects are staggering, dumbing down, increasing rates of chronic health problems both mental and physical, more dependency and more cruelty. They follow a destructive pattern of compartmentalisation which leads to isolation, fragmentation and eventually disintegration.
A person’s place is at the centre of their life, embedded as part of the interconnected web of life. When humans believe they are more entitled than other people, the effects are staggering we try to control others or abuse power. This leads to bullying, domestic violence, sexual, emotional and mental abuse and unhealthy workplaces.
Human purpose is to be carers of the Earth, the people, the animals, the land and the sea. We are not following our purpose and the effects are staggering, fragmentation of of life, climate change and animal extinctions.
Humanity needs to align with the natural laws of the universe otherwise we risk isolation, fragmentation and eventually disintegrations. Law of quantum chaos (Gribbin, 2005). This is the Great Integrity. If we do not learn to live aligned to nature, human beings will eventually die out…
Quantum Chaos
– the science underlying our work
In practice this means:
If we follow these laws, we live in harmony. All human systems need to adhere to quantum chaotic principles. The Great Integrity occurs when we all apply quantum chaotic principles.
When we don’t, we live isolated, fragmented or we disintegrate as individuals, groups and organisations.
Result of disharmony include:
Disharmony in an individual can be created by a broken group/family or a broken community/workplace. We are responsible for our own integrity, parents are responsible for the integrity of the family, bosses are responsible for the integrity of the workplace and our leaders are responsible for the integrity of our communities and organisations.
All our books, products and training follow the laws of quantum chaos. The first two quantum chaotic patterns are ‘the map’ and ‘your compass’. Each of these have books, charts and programs to teach people these patterns.
Self Integrity occurs when a person is emotionally mentally healthy, they are whole. They connect, integrate and expand with knowledge, they know their nature, place and purpose in life, they grow and develop wisdom.
Group Integrity occurs when a group connects, integrates and expands as a living entity. Within this group is a sense of safety and security, with each person feeling they belong. They are valued for who they are. While the group may have a leader, this leader does not take from the others. All people within the group feels equal to all others in the group and are encouraged to grow even if this means leaving the group. Whether this group is a family, a social or work related group this is the way forward for humanity.
Organisational Integrity occurs when an entire organisation works or lives as ‘one of one’. The organisation connects, integrates and expands organically. Each person knows their place, their nature and their purpose in the organisation. This leads to each group knowing their own importance to the organisation and they feel equal, no one group is more important and everyone works towards the expansion of the organisation. Whether the organisation is a workplace, an extended family or a community. An organisation with organisational integrity stops their members falling through the cracks and make room for all members and newcomers.
Humanity needs to align with the natural laws of the universe otherwise we risk isolation, fragmentation and eventually disintegrations. Law of quantum chaos (Gribbin, 2005).
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