Do you feel lost, unsure how to get back on track? Have you become someone you think you should be to meet others’ expectations rather than who you truly are?
You’re not alone. The truth is many of us face this at some point. But what if you had your own unique compass to guide you?
We all possess an internal compass, but many of us have learned to ignore it, listening instead to others and the outside world. This disconnects us from our inner knowing, which tells us what’s right for us and which direction to take.
Join our 2-day workshop to reconnect you with your compass through simple, engaging activities.
Why Attend “Your Compass” Workshop?
Being connected to your compass is crucial for navigating life effectively. When you’re connected to your compass, you:
Know Your True Self: Understand who you truly are.
Decisive Clarity: Make decisions with clarity from a place of knowing.
Right Choices: Know what’s right for you and what’s not.
Vibrant Living: Experience more meaning and vibrancy in your life.
Inner Strength: Develop a deeper strength in character and presence.
Your compass won’t show you the final destination, but it will point you in the right direction.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is ideal for anyone who:
Feels Unsatisfied: Is not satisfied with life.
Feels Out of Place: Feels like a square peg in a round hole.
Feels Pressured: Feels pressured to achieve but doesn’t know in what.
Lacks Energy: Lacks energy and enthusiasm.
Wants More: Wants more out of life.
Seeks Happiness: Desires happiness but hasn’t found it.
Your compass is one of the critical anchor points to maintaining clarity, centredness and balance. Learn how your core nature influences everything in your life, learn how you grow from the inside and how to develop your own unique approach to life. We show you ways of keeping your mind healthy and robust.
It takes two days, we have run this program for over 25 years. You do the work within the group through a range of activities. You do not have to share any personal information, although sometimes it will help you to.