The Comprehensive Program to Clean Up and Optimise Your Life: Emotional Navigation, Personal Compass and Purposeful Life Patterns
Are you feeling overwhelmed and struggling with anger, depression, anxiety and feel like you are burning out?
Or maybe life has left you feeling numb and empty inside?
No-one gave us a manual of what it means to be human, and sometimes it all gets too much.
Let’s be honest, we’ve all picked up some baggage and gone off track along the way. We all could do with a ‘clean-up’ to put some shine back in our life.
This program provides you exactly that.
Over three separate 2-day workshops, you will experience and embed simple processes to:
The Map: Navigate your emotional landscape to enable you to make clear decisions, respond rather than react. Build resilience by experiencing and understanding emotions through simple activities.
Your Compass: Reconnect with your inner compass to give you clarity, confidence and a sense of knowing and purpose by understanding who you truly are and how you work in the world.
Tranforming Destructive Patterns: Re-pattern the marks left by challenging or traumatic life events, empowering you to stop destructive cycles and improve relationships, work life, and self-perception.
This program, and its workshops, have been tried and tested over 25 years. Past participants regularly note:
Greater Clarity in Decision-Making: Leave behind overthinking and procrastination, and make decisions from a place of knowing.
Our solutions are simple and experiential. Given people only retain 10% of what they hear but 90% of what they do, we teach ‘concepts’ or ‘frameworks’ via simple visual metaphors that we enhance through experiential activities that people can repeat for themselves.
Each workshop takes two days. You do the work within the group through a range of activities. You do not have to share any personal information, although sometimes it will help you to.
Additional information
3 x Workshops (The Map, Your Compass and Clean Up, Tune Up) + 2 x30 check in calls